Creating New Traditions
Guided by our vision to be the leader in boys’ education with exceptional people, programs and facilities, we now prepare for the future learning needs and educational experience for our boys.
Welcome to our multi-year program of campus renewal designed to support our vision for the future of learning and education at Prince Alfred College.
The Master Plan for the College encapsulates and protects our heritage, our traditions and our values as a proud educator of boys whilst creating flexible environments that will meet the future teaching and learning needs of our community. Our new and refurbished learning areas will provide us with functional spaces and experiences with learning outcomes of our students at the heart of our planning process.
We are bold in our ambitions because we want the best for our boys at each stage of their journey at the College. Purposeful spaces that engage and inspire our students to ask questions, work together to solve problems, and dare to dream big.
Our staged program of works ensures we take a considered approach to each area within the campus, and allows us to minimise the disruption to our students’ learning and experience during their time at the College.
We invite you to explore these pages to learn more about our vision for the Prince Alfred College Master Plan and to keep up to date as the program progresses.
Richard Hockney | David Roberts Headmaster |