The Prince Alfred College app provides parents with easy access to College communications, including notices, news, calendar, links to key documents, absentee notifications, contacts, access to the Parent Lounge (the parent portal) and SEQTA Engage (the College's Learning Management System).
All families are strongly encouraged to download the app to help you stay connected and informed.
Once you have downloaded the app, you can personalise the information you receive by adjusting your subscription preferences. You can do this by going to the ‘settings’ button at the bottom right of the home screen and then clicking on ‘subscriptions’ to manage your preferences.

You are opted into all categories by default. As a minimum we recommend you remain subscribed to the relevant ‘general’ category, your son’s class or year level, and any co-curricular activities they are involved in. To opt out of a subscription, click on the tag you wish to unsubscribe from.

The latest news and events can be viewed by clicking on the ‘news’ icon.