Vocational Learning
For SACE students who are interested in pursuing future pathways with specialised skills not offered through SACE subjects, vocational learning provides an opportunity to undertake this learning while at school. Vocational Education and Training (VET) is education and training that gives students skills for work, particularly in the trades and industry.
VET Courses
VET courses are delivered subject to the Australian Quality Training Framework. This means that courses are recognised by Registered Training Organisations, including TAFE, across the country. VET courses studied at a Certificate II level allow students to earn Stage 1 credits and courses at a Certificate III or higher attract Stage 2 credits towards their SACE.
VET courses are competency based; this means that most tasks and assessment are very hands on and practical in nature. Courses can be found to suit the interests of most students. A list of VET course recently studied by PAC students is below.
Business Services
Engineering - Metal fabrication
Kitchen Operations
Support Services
When courses require regular attendance during the school day, students may replace one SACE subject at Stage 1 in Year 11 or Stage 2 in Year 12. Students will be allocated time in the days they are at school to study VET coursework as well as catch up on learning they have missed in their SACE subjects.
Typical pathways for VET study in the trades are: