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Years 7-10

Years 7-10

Growing in confidence and character

In Years 7 to 9 at Prince Alfred College, our boys continue to explore their place in the world through a broad education emphasising academic progress, and emotional, social, and physical growth. Boys are engaged in meaningful learning across all the faculties. In Languages, students pursue one foreign Language, and in the Arts, boys make subject selections that allow for specialisation in two of the subjects. Years 7 to 9 has our boys part of a rich House orientated Princes Program, participate in practical experiential activities, and share in our flagship extended-stay program: Wambana.

Our Year 10 academic program focuses on each boy discovering the best pathway for their Senior Years. In Year 10, our boys continue to develop fundamental knowledge and understanding in core learning areas as well as pursue three enriching elective choices. Through high-quality teaching and an extensive range of educational experiences, our boys explore and develop their interests so they are best prepared for the IB or SACE programmes.

Years 7-10 subject overview information for each faculty can be found at: