Getting back to normal(ish)
Term 3 did not begin as we had hoped. The Delta variant has added a new challenge to what should have been a smooth beginning to the second half of the school year. We had 15 of our youngest boys who joined our Mid-Year Reception class have just one day in the Preparatory School before we went into lockdown. Not the start we had hoped for.
However, for every cloud there is a silver lining. We can be very pleased with the way the PAC community has responded to this most recent set back. The teachers quickly put together an excellent remote learning program for our boys. They corresponded with families and put in place all that was needed to make sure the experience for our boys was as positive as we could design. It was clear that the boys enjoyed the program, and we saw the happiness on their faces as they got to see their teachers and their friends at their daily Zoom sessions. Most pleasing was that we had 99.4% of our boys attend the remote learning program each day.
I want to thank parents for their support in ensuring their sons attended the remote learning sessions and for uploading their work for the teachers. I also want to extend my appreciation to the Preparatory School teachers for their dedicated work to support student learning and for looking after our boys online each day.
Fortunately, this lockdown has once again been a short one, a testament to the seriousness with which South Australians approached it. Although we managed the last week well, I welcome the return to a near-normal school experience for our boys and seeing them return to school on Wednesday.
John Stewart
Head of Preparatory School