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Annual Giving

You Can Change the Game

Each year, through annual giving, we invite our community to support key projects that would not be possible through school fees alone. 

Together, these gifts enable the school to support scholarships and bursaries, invest in facilities and support programs that would otherwise not be available.

This year, we invite you to join us in supporting three game-changing projects to enhance student wellbeing and promote all-round fitness.

Your tax-deductible gift to any of the projects listed will directly benefit the lives of our students and contribute to a stronger and healthier school community.

Together, we can create opportunities for all boys to lead healthy, active lives.

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New Strength and Conditioning Equipment

Our strength and conditioning equipment has served us well for the last 10 years, but is end of life and in need of replacement. With the appointment of a new Director of Athletic Development and Performance, PAC is expanding its focus on physical development, health and wellbeing to ensure every boy can achieve his potential.

Your support for new strength and conditioning equipment (total cost $300,000) will help provide our students, Old Scholars and other community members who use the RED Centre with contemporary equipment to support their fitness and development goals.

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Expand Recreational Activities

The outdoor table tennis tables installed last year in the Preparatory School have been a huge hit with the boys, encouraging fun, social activity and healthy competition before, during and after school. 

You can help expand these resources to our Secondary School students, by contributing to the purchase of four new outdoor table tennis tables for the Dunstan Courtyard, as well as six new portable soccer goals (at a total cost of $15,000) to encourage lunchtime activity for all boys.

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Replacement Timing Gates and Hurdles

Help change the game with a tax-deductible gift towards the purchase of replacement hurdles and timing gates (replacement cost $20,000). 

Your gift will directly support our athletics program and House competition, including our annual Athletics Days - a highlight for our boys!

P.S. Help change the game with a tax-deductible donation. Every gift makes a difference, and together, we can create opportunities for all boys to lead healthy, active lives.

Get in Touch
For a confidential discussion about how you can best support an area of your choice, please contact the Philanthropy team on +61 8 8334 1200 or