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Marcus Thompson

Marcus attended Prince Alfred College from 1986 to 1990, and was School Captain in his final year.

Marcus excelled in tennis. He played in the Intercol Tennis in all five years and never lost a match. Similarly, he won the College Tennis championships in each of his five years at the College. He was Captain of Tennis and gained Honours Colours in Tennis in his last two years at school.

Marcus excelled in his studies and gained perfect scores in accounting and chemistry in his final year. He gained a Law Degree with first class honours and a Bachelor of Commerce from Flinders University here in Adelaide. He then went to study at the University of Cambridge in England on a Commercial Law Scholarship, where he gained a Master of Laws Degree in Corporate Finance.

At the same time, he continued to pursue his tennis career, having represented Australia in tours of Sweden, Germany and Italy and played in the quarter-finals of the Australian Open junior singles and doubles. He was the number one player for Cambridge University and won his tennis blue, which is like university colours or honours award. He has been the number one player in most clubs to which he has belonged.

Marcus has had a stellar professional career and a highly interesting one. After initially working as a lawyer, he moved into the finance sector, working in New York, Hong Kong and now, for a number of years, in London. He has occupied increasingly senior positions in investment banks, mainly in mergers and acquisitions, and is now Senior Managing Director, investment banking, for Evercore, which is a Global Investment Bank based in London.

Evercore has recently been recognised as the number one independent investment bank in the world and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Marcus is co-head of Europe and Asia Utilities, Infrastructure and Transport, and is involved in financing major infra-structure projects, such as transport and power supply.

Professionally, Marcus is acknowledged as an international leader in his field and has reached the very highest levels. Marcus encapsulates the very best qualities of the Princes Man that we should all aspire to be. He has made the most of his considerable talents and is conscientious, focused and enterprising, but also grounded, thoughtful and reflective.