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King’s Speech Competition

28 September 2022

In the twelfth King’s Speech Competition since it’s conception in 2011, and the first King’s Speech Competition in which our head of state is actually the ‘King’, this year we saw 13 competitors from the Preparatory, Middle and Senior Schools deliver 26 speeches on a typically wide range of topics, ranging from social and environmental issues to themes to do with education, war, death and gender.

All boys were outstanding in their content and deliveries and should be commended on yet another convincing display of empathy, courage, and skill in the art of oral communication.

Preparatory School results:

  • Lionel Logue (best speaker) Award: Hugo Mittiga (Yr5)
  • Runner Up medallion: Aidan Chen (Yr5)
  • Finalist medallions:
    • Harrison Thomas (Yr6)
    • Lachlan Bauer (Yr6)
    • Carter Gerecke (Yr6)

Middle School results:

  • Lionel Logue (best speaker) Award: Devesh Anavkar (Yr7)
  • Runner Up medallion: Julian Dawson (Yr8)
  • Finalist medallions:
    • Milo Kotzee (Yr7)
    • Isaac Yu (Yr8)

Senior School results:

  • Lionel Logue (best speaker) Award: Roshan Ediriweera (Yr10)
  • Runner Up medallion: Thomas Henchliffe (Yr10)
  • Finalist medallions:
    • Nicholas Henchliffe (Yr10)
    • Sam He (Yr10)

Congratulations to all of this year’s competitors, and many thanks to our MC James Arney and Timekeeper Fraser Newman, as well as our Short Speech Marshalls Peter Moore and Miles Falahey, for volunteering their time to help the event run smoothly over the three hours of speeches and ceremony. Also, many thanks to our Rostrum adjudicators for their expertise, and to all those who supported our boys by attending this year’s event.

MC James Arney and Timekeeper Fraser Newman

Senior School Finalists

Preparatory School Finalists

Middle School Finalists