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News & Events


Celebrating Harmony Day at PAC

The College celebrated Harmony Day on 21 March 2023. Below, we share the student address to mark the day, written and presented by Year 12 Prefect, Tianyu Sun

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Tianyu Sun
Strat plan cover 5
2025-2028 Strategic Plan Released
8 July 2024
We are proud to share with our College community our next Strategic Plan. The plan builds on the previous Strategic Plan to ensure continuity of programs and strategies whilst ensuring we are ambitious in our thinking and actions.
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Education Beyond the Classroom
22 May 2024
At Prince Alfred College, our boy-centred education program extends beyond the classroom with unique experiences tailored to each developmental stage. In this story, we share with you the opportunity our Year 8 students undertake through their Activities Week Rotations.
Numerical Acumen Aiden Chen 259
APSMO & Numerical Acumen Success
1 December 2023
Mathematics at PAC is an integral part of our core curriculum from Reception to Year 12. In 2023, the College introduced Mathematics as a co-curricular activity, proving to be popular with boys across multiple year levels. This term, we have been celebrating the achievements of some of our Preparatory School mathematics students.
News international student lunch41
International Students' Reception
18 August 2023
On 15 Tuesday, August, 2023, the International Students' Reception lunch was held in the Piper Pavilion. This event was held to warmly welcoming our 12 new international students who joined PAC in Term 3.