Head of Prep School Update
College Blog
Head of Preparatory School Update
30 April 2021
George C. Davies was eight years old when he joined Prince Alfred College in 1904. He began his PAC journey in a class called ‘Form 1’ along with several other little boys in the Preparatory School. Little did he know that his life would be significantly changed and impacted by events only a decade away.
Friends of PAC Update
30 April 2021
Friends of PAC President, Belinda Pizzino discusses the upcoming Mother's Day Stall, Friends of PAC Meeting and more.
Grandies' Morning Tea
30 April 2021
Our first Grandies’ Club event of the year and we couldn’t have picked a more perfect day for it!
Performing Arts Update
30 April 2021
Year 10 students perform at Rose Park ANZAC Dawn Service
Wesley Cup Report
29 April 2021
The 2021 Wesley Cup season has certainly hit the ground running in its exhilarating, exciting second term of competition.
Year 12 studies into Modern Chinese History
29 April 2021
Mao Zedong once said “A revolution is not a dinner party… A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”