IMG 9484

Gifts in Will

Your enduring gift

Leaving a gift to Prince Alfred College in your will, no matter the size, is an opportunity to make a tangible and enduring gift to the school. In doing so, your gift will help to provide life-changing educational opportunities for young men, now and for generations to come. 

Gifts in Will offer an opportunity to honour a loved one or to decide how you will be remembered. In many cases, legacy gifts serve to inspire others. 

We deeply appreciate the generosity of community members who have remembered us in their Wills. Bequests can be a cash amount, residual percentage of an estate, property, works of art or other gifts. 

If you would like more information about leaving a gift in your will to Prince Alfred College, or to discuss your specific wishes in more detail, please contact Helen Karapandzic, Director of Philanthropy on 08 8334 1200 or by email.

Vignette 3 1 TG Waterhouse

TG Waterhouse Society

The T.G. Waterhouse Society was established in 2004 to recognize and honour men and women who have generously included Prince Alfred College in their Will. Named after one of the College's founding members and benefactors, Thomas Greaves Waterhouse, the Society aims to foster a sense of community among its members and keep them informed about developments at the College.

As a member of the Society, you will be invited to attend the annual T.G. Waterhouse Luncheon, as well as other special events throughout the year. 

If you have made a provision for Prince Alfred College in your Will, we encourage you to inform us of your decision. Doing so will enable us to extend an invitation to join the Society, express our gratitude, and ensure that your wishes are carried out during your lifetime.