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Lieutenant Hugo Throssell VC

Hugo Vivian Hope Throssell served in the 10th Light Horse. At Gallipoli he took part in the charge on the Nek with three fellow old scholars, two of whom died.

Later in the Gallipoli campaign Throssell was involved in the assault on Hill 60. On the death of his commanding officer, Throssell assumed command of the party and staged a spirited defence of his position, killing a number of Turk attackers, returning unexploded enemy bombs, and throwing grenades. Though shot in the back and neck, Throssell defended his position for four hours. It was for this action that Hugo Throssell was awarded the ultimate honour: the Victoria Cross. Following the withdrawal from Gallipoli he went on to serve in France.

Throssell survived the war, married the writer Katharine Susannah Prichard, and as a result of disillusionment with life, died by his own hand in 1933