Prince Alfred College Vacation Care

OSHC & Vacation Care

A fun and enjoyable experience

Designed with working families in mind, our programs provide children with a fun experience that they will enjoy. From exciting activities to healthy nutritious snacks, the program aims to meet the needs of your children. 

Our before and after school programs are available to current students. Vacation care is also open to boys and girls from other schools. 

    Out of School Hours Care

    Before school care

    Monday to Friday, 7.15am to 8.20am during school terms. 

    Before school care is available every morning from 7.15am. Boys engage in supervised activities, including games, craft and other indoor activities. 

    After school care

    Monday to Friday, 3pm to 6pm during school terms.

    Our OSHC is closed on public holidays and pupil-free days. 

    We are pleased that our OSHC service has received a rating of 'Exceeding', the highest rating achievable under the National Quality Framework from the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).


    Enrol in PAC OSHC

    Before school care is a walk-in session, with no booking required. Please complete step one before before attending. 

    For after school care, please complete steps one and two below. 

    Step one: Enrolment registration
    Prior to attending OSHC, please ensure you have enrolled through Xplor using the button below. 

    Please note, if your son attended Prince Alfred College Early Learning Centre (ELC), you will need to re-register with Xplor for OSHC using a different email address. The accounts do not carry over, but you merge them later. If you already have a child at Prince Alfred College OSHC, enrol using the same email address and the accounts will automatically be linked.

      Enrol in PAC OSHC

      Need help get started with Xplor? Check out the following self-help guides.

      Step two: Complete a booking form for the days required in OSHC
      Click on the link below to make a permanent booking for after school care. A seperate booking form should be completed for each child.

      To make a casual booking, please email or use the Xplor app by 2pm that day. 

      Email Hayley

      Vacation care

      Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm during the school holidays. Closed on public holidays.

      Vacation care is available to boys and girls, as well as students from other schools. Places are sometimes limited and preference will be given to PAC students. Daily charge of $70 per day and an activity charge is added depending on the program.

          Spring Vacation Care Website Banner

          Enrol in vacation care

          To enrol in vacation care, please complete the steps below: 

          1. Ensure you have filled out the enrolment form and payment details for your child with the online Xplor OSHC system, ensuring you have uploaded your child’s current immunisation record and birth certificate. 
          2. Fill in the PAC OSHC Consent form 
          3. Choose the days you would like to book your child into vacation care by referring to the Autumn Vacation Care Program.
          4. Book via the Xplor Home app the days you require.


          For more information, contact Hayley Ewer (Director of OSHC) on 08 8334 1268.