Debating and Public Speaking Update
21 September 2021
On Thursday 16 September, Prince Alfred College celebrated its 10th anniversary of the King’s Speech competition, which began in 2011 and is dedicated to the memory of old scholar and famous speech therapist Lionel Logue.
Special Guests Mitchell Butel and Finegan Krukemeyer
15 September 2021
On Tuesday 7 September, is was a pleasure to welcome playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer and Mitchell Butel, Artistic Director of State Theatre Company South Australia to the College to speak with our Year 11 Drama students.
State Titration Competition
14 September 2021
On Saturday 11 September, nine of our Year 11 students attended the State Titration Competition hosted by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute at UniSA.
International Student Social
14 September 2021
On 4 September, the PAC and St Peter’s Girls’ School International Students Social event was held in the PAC Dining Hall.
House Athletics Carnival Report
14 September 2021
The annual House Athletics Carnival was held on Friday September 10 on the Front Oval. It was a beautiful day weather wise and the boys were all excited to compete in as many events as they could.
Science Week
14 September 2021
The theme for Science Week this year was “Food - Different by Design”. This theme was aimed at making students consider how science can both be involved in the manufacture of food and how it can be used to make food production practices more sustainable into the future.